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Culture Bites Podcasts from Human Synergistics International AU

034 - Childhood Origins of your Thinking and Behaviour


Our experiences (and interpretations of them) shape the way we see ourselves and the world. A lot of these patterns are established during our childhood and lead us to reach powerful conclusions about ourselves which impact the way we think and behave. In this episode of the Culture Bites Podcast, Shaun McCarthy and Dominic Gourley talk about how these patterns take shape and how you can proactively shape them in constructive ways.

089 - LSI and The Family System

The teenage years can be characterised by egocentricity, boredom and a seemingly weird combination of revolution and conformity. Shaun McCarthy follows up from his podcast episode “Childhood Origins” to discuss how family systems play out through the LSI styles while going through the more challenging years of raising teenage children.

092 - COVID-19 Special Edition Episode

In the changing world organizations still need to function, leadership roles really kick in and people need to behave constructively despite what’s going on around them. In the midst of COVID-19, we bring you a special episode of Culture Bites with our Chairman Shaun McCarthy, Head of Consulting Corinne Canter and host Dominic Gourley as they talk about what Human Synergistics are doing, how we are supporting you and our clients, and what everyone can do for their our mental health in this changing world.

093 - Mental Health And Covid-19

In a challenging time of heightened anxiety, fears, and isolation - it's important we all take time to keep ourselves mentally healthy.

Oliver Brecht, Managing Director of Veretis, joins us on the podcast to share his tips about maintaining your own mental health as well as how to spot if others are having issues.

094 - Life Styles Inventory™ Items

In this week’s Culture Bites Podcast, Chairman Shaun McCarthy and Head of Consulting Corinne Canter answer a question from a listener around the Life Styles Inventory™ items. These questions keep coming up during debriefs, so what do some of them mean and how should people interpret them.

074 - Getting Culture Right, Shaun McCarthy - Culture & Leadership Conference 2019

Can you easily describe your organisations culture? Do you know how it helps or hinders your efforts to achieve excellence? This is not just an academic question. Getting culture right means looking at the right metrics. In this Culture Bites Podcast, we share Shaun McCarthy’s conference presentation on Getting Culture Right – what it is and how does it work.

068 - Catching Waves - Getting Culture Right

Like the ocean, culture isn’t something you control, it is something that you need to learn how to read and regularly care for to be kept clean, healthy and powerful. When you get it right, that’s when you can catch a long smooth wave of performance.

In this episode of Culture Bites, Dominic Gourley Interviews Corinne Canter and Rob Phipps on their newly produced Whitepaper: Catching Waves - Getting Culture Right.

088 - Values And Culture - Are Yours Working Together

All organisations have values and while they may look good when in writing or are promised, they’re no use at all if there’s no organizational culture to support them. So are values valuable?! Are they useful and where is the cross over with culture? Dominic Gourley and Liana Sangster discuss in this episode of Culture Bites.

012 - How Culture Works Pt1 - Overview

We talk about what culture is, why it matters, and how it works. This is part 1 in a 5 part series in which we break down culture and its causes. This episode of the podcast is host by David Byrum (aka ‘DB’) and Dominic Gourley.

013 - How Culture Works Pt2 - Mission, Philosophy, Structures

We talk about how Culture is shaped through the organization’s Mission and Management Philosophy as well as who holds the Influence in the decision-making structures. This episode is hosted by David Byrum and Dominic Gourley.

014 - How Culture Works Pt3 - HR Systems

We talk about HR Systems like selection, training, appraisals and how they shape your organization’s culture. This episode is hosted by David Byrum (a.k.a. ‘DB’) and Dominic Gourley.

015 - How Culture Works Pt4 - Job Design

We talk about how jobs are designed and the messages they send about how people are expected to behave. This episode is hosted by David Byrum and Dominic Gourley.

016 - How Culture Works Pt5 - Leadership

We talk about how Leaders impact culture through how they communicate and interact with people. This episode is hosted by David Byrum and Dominic Gourley.

057 - Does Culture Eat Strategy For Breakfast

Everyone knows the famous saying by Peter Drucker that “culture eats strategy for breakfast”, but culture is the deliverer of that strategy – they need to work together, the culture needs to match your strategy and vice versa as that’s what’s going to deliver results.


Human Synergistics Consultants Sam Mead and Dominic Gourley discuss this topic.

007 - How Leaders Impact Culture

We talk about how Leaders directly and indirectly influence culture through the things they do and the decisions they make.


This episode is hosted by Shaun McCarthy, Liana Sangster, and Dominic Gourley.

035 - Changing Culture In 4 Phases

We talk about how to change organizational culture - the different steps and phases that make it up.

086 - Dealing With Subcultures

In this episode of Culture Bites, we answer a listener’s question about dealing with subcultures - multiple organization sites and units, diverse roles and people identifying with their team but not with the wider organization.

006 - What Is a 'Toxic Culture'?

We talk about what ‘Toxic Culture’ really means, how it forms, and what can be done about it. This episode is hosted by Shaun McCarthy, Liana Sangster, and Dominic Gourley.

069 - Explaining and Growing Self-Actualizing

Most of the Constructive Styles are fairly easy to explain, but there’s one that is that more difficult to explain; Self-Actualising. Dominic Gourley and Corinne Canter talk about what is Self-Actualising and how to grow this style, in this episode of Culture Bites.

087 - Situation + Thinking = Response

S+T=R (Situation + Thinking = Response) is a concept we introduce during accreditation and when we talk about the Life Styles Inventory™ (LSI), but what does it mean and how does it relate to the LSI? Dominic Gourley and Head of Consulting Corinne Canter explain the concept and share a useful resource for working with your own LSI feedback.

028 - 8 Keys To Team Effectiveness

When teams perform at the best of their abilities, it’s magic! An unseen switch gets flipped. Fixed individual positions give way to fluid collaboration and team flow. Gone are the ‘trip wires’ of egos, blame, shame, butt kicking, and the could’ves, would’ves and should’ves. People are prepared to trust one another and adapt to change as they ‘merge awareness into action’. In short, they go from ‘me’ to ‘we’. In this Episode of Culture Bites, we discuss 8 keys to Team Effectiveness.

053 - GSI Getting The Most Out Of Teams

Sue Bigham and Dominic Gourley talk this week about our event “GSI: Getting the most out of teams” which focuses on building facilitating and debriefing confidence of the GSI Group Style Inventory. 

026 - SuperMind - The Neuroscience of Creativity

The Science of 'Aha!' Moments. We talk about what Neuroscience tells us about creative thinking and give some tips on how you can unlock your unconscious mind to solve complex problems. Topics: Creativity, Problem Solving, SuperMind, Brainwaves, Subconscious

052 - How To Make Innovation Work

Darren Levy and Dominic Gourley talk about innovation and change management, how important it is to connect the dots between idea generation and execution, and how you go about engaging people in a new idea.

041 - Handling Tough Conversations - Constructively

We share some frameworks, language, tips and techniques to handle difficult conversations in a constructive way. Often, people want to ‘do Constructive’ but just don’t know how. These tips will help get you started and stop avoiding those difficult conversations.

082 - Explaining and Changing the Perfectionistic Style

Following on from one of our past episodes about the Self-Actualising style, we’ve had some requests to delve into the Perfectinistic Style. Head of Consulting Corinne Canter and Dominic Gourley talk about this style that impacts a lot of people, but can come at a cost – and discuss what does being Perfectionistic look like, how does it impact us and what can we can do to change the impact of this style.

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