Leadership Development Workshops
Leading research recently complete by Google into what leaders can do to build highly effective teams. Google’s data indicated that psychological safety, more than anything else, was critical to making a team work. Project Aristotle reinforced that constructive leaders outperform non-constructive leaders when it comes to creating the safe space required to work effectively with others. To help build the confidence, motivation and overall effective of your leaders, we can customized a leadership development program utilizing the LSI leadership assessment tool from Human Synergistics International.
The most effective leaders strive to influence culture through their leadership. But it's how they do this—their leadership style—that ultimately shapes the culture of a team, an organization or the community at large.
LSI - Life Style Inventory Leadership Effectiveness Assessment
Research and development by Robert A. Cooke, Ph.D. and J. Clayton Lafferty, Ph.D.
Before (and beyond) Emotional Intelligence: The Life Styles Inventory (LSI) has helped millions of people understand and change their thinking and behavioural styles of leadership to increase effectiveness. As one of the first self-development assessments to feature a circumplex and provide a 360-feedback component, the LSI has been referenced in numerous books, journals, and newspapers, including The Wall Street Journal.

The benefits
Designed for managers, leaders, students, and those in professional and technical roles, the LSI leadership development process empowers people to actualize their potential and contribute to the success of their organization. It’s particularly valuable for helping individuals:
discover new and/or different ways of thinking and behaving
increase effectiveness in their roles
reduce and cope better with stress and the effects of pressure and change
achieve self-set goals
solve problems and think more creatively
improve interpersonal skills and relationships
increase their overall satisfaction and well-being
How it works
The LSI is comprised of two components:
LSI 1 (self-description assessment): Individuals describe their thinking styles, personal effectiveness, and satisfaction at work and home.
LSI 2 (360-feedback assessment): Up to 12 peers, managers, and direct reports provide the individuals with feedback on their behavior and effectiveness.
The results and recommendations are then presented to each individual in a confidential, comprehensive report. The report includes feedback on 12 important thinking and behavioral styles as well as confirmed and unrecognized strengths, blind spots, and stumbling blocks.
Make the LSI leadership assessment part of your change journey
The LSI self-description and/or 360-feedback assessments are best facilitated by a coach or training specialist qualified to use the tools. An accredited and experienced Peak Experiences associates can help your leaders and team members interpret the LSI assessment results and create a plan for self-development. Simply contact us to find a consultant who’s right for you and your organization.
The LSI leadership assessments are offered online as well as in paper format. To learn more about the LSI 1, LSI 2, or any of our 360-feedback assessments, contact us - we look forward to assisting you!